HIRING: Research and Production Assistant

HIRING: Research and Production Assistant
Raising Awareness about the Transformative Potential of Community Bonds in Quebec

We are looking for an undergraduate or graduate student in documentary production, journalism, or media arts, with experience or interests in social economy, community finance, and media production. An ideal candidate will have a background in storytelling and video production, with a desire to communicate about
community-led initiatives and social impact projects. The candidate must be bilingual in English and French (strong spoken and written skills in both languages).

The assistantship will be for approximately 10 hours/week over 24 weeks, with remuneration of $5000.

The candidate will be responsible for carrying out research and production tasks related to creating a video or series of videos highlighting the transformative potential of Community Bonds in Quebec. The candidate will work on this project with Brique par brique, an organization that develops community-based economic infrastructure for building affordable housing in Parc-Extension.


Research Tasks

● Conduct research on the history and case studies of community social finance in Quebec, Canada, and internationally.
● Conduct research on Community Bonds campaigns in Quebec, Canada, and internationally, focusing on successful case studies and current challenges in the social economy.
● Document the experiences of organizations that have implemented Community Bonds, highlighting their impact and lessons learned.
● Analyze the opportunities and barriers for Community Bonds campaigns within Quebec’s francophone community.

Production Tasks

● Assist in crafting engaging narratives for the video series, ensuring they are grounded in research and tailored to the audience.
● Coordinate interviews with stakeholders, including representatives from featured organizations and community leaders.
● Support the scheduling, logistics, and preparation for video shoots, including preparing interview questions and materials.

Note that the responsibilities listed above are subject to change as the project’s conceptual direction is still being defined.

If you are interested apply with CV with a cover letter that describes your related experience to : kriss.li@concordia.ca

Deadline for applications is 9 AM on March 11, 2025



Posted in Job

Accompagnez des photojournalistes de La Presse!

La maîtrise du français écrit et oral est obligatoire pour postuler. Il ne s’agit pas d’un stage, mais d’une opportunité de trois jours.

Vous aimeriez découvrir les coulisses du métier de photojournaliste? Cette opportunité est pour vous! Pendant trois jours, vous suivrez des photojournalistes du quotidien La Presse et les accompagnerez dans leur travail, qu’il s’agisse de couvrir une conférence de presse ou un événement de taille, de retoucher les photos ou de collaborer avec d’autres membres de la salle de nouvelles.

Quand? Trois jours pendant la semaine du 17 avril (une personne), Trois jours pendant la semaine du 24 avril (une autre personne).

Qui? Étudiants et étudiantes en journalisme avec un portfolio en photojournalisme.

Comment? Envoyez une lettre d’intention d’une page (en français!) et un lien URL vers votre portfolio à lucie.laumonier@concordia.ca qui les transmettra au chef de division photo de La Presse, David Boily.

Date limite pour postuler: 15 mars 2025

Un conseil? Assurez-vous que votre portfolio est approprié au photojournalisme: couverture de manifestations, d’événements, de conférences de presse ; et que les photos sont légendées.

Summer Internship at CityNews (deadline to apply: March 28)

Internship: CityNews Montreal on Citytv
Title: CityNews Montreal Intern
Type: Unpaid Internship
Organization: CityNews Montreal (Citytv), part of Rogers Sports & Media
Location: 1200 McGill College, 8th floor, Montreal
When: Summer 2025
Duration: May-August/min 120hrs
Deadline: March 28, 2025

Internship Summary

The successful candidate will be a dynamic person with strong writing skills, understanding local news around them, basic knowledge of television production procedures and equipment, strong social media skills as well as a genuine interest in all things Montreal.
As our intern, you will join the team who prepares and delivers Montreal’s most dynamic
nightly newscast. You’ll work alongside our talented professionals, for a hands-on experience that will enhance your studies.
If this sounds like the challenge you are looking for, we look forward to meeting you.

Main Responsibilities
 Write scripts and research ideas;
 Book interviews;
 Assist with the research and production of topical ‘streeters’ to support current affairs
 Prepare and post materials to website and social media;
 Go out on the road with reporters and shadow, work together, and
 Other duties as assigned

 Be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in broadcasting, journalism,
communications or other related fields;
 Be eligible for university credit for this internship;
 Be seeking a placement under a formal, credited internship program;
 Be available weekdays or weekends for day/evening shifts;
 Excellent command of written English and the ability to speak/read both English and French;
 Highly motived with proven multi-tasking and time management skills. Able to work in a fastpaced environment;
 Experience posting to various social media platforms; and
 Basic knowledge of video editing and TV production experience will be considered assets

How To Apply
By March 28, send a letter of interest along with your CV, including a reference to:
melanie.porco@citynews.rogers.com indicating “CityNews Montreal Internship” in the subject field. Add lucie.laumonier@concordia.ca in CC.

Conférence: Faire du journalisme en français hors-Québec

L’Organe est ravi de vous inviter à sa troisième Francoférence de l’année, intitulée Faire du journalisme en français hors-Québec, c’est possible!

Diplômé en journalisme de l’Université Concordia, Pierre Chauvin a fait le choix de quitter le Québec pour exercer son métier au Yukon avec Réseau.Presse, publiant dans l’Aurore boréale à Whitehorse, avant de devenir directeur général de Radio Victoria sur l’île de Vancouver. 

Il partagera avec vous son parcours, les défis (et les avantages) du journalisme dans les communautés francophones au Canada et répondra à vos questions.

 Inscriptions : https://forms.gle/1EAwxyb9AEDzNrtp8

Où? Sur Zoom (lien envoyé après inscription) 

 Quand? mercredi 5 mars, 13h-14h.

Le journalisme sportif : faire sa place dans un milieu compétitif. 

L’Organe est ravi de vous inviter à sa deuxième conférence de l’année intitulée Le journalisme sportif : faire sa place dans un milieu compétitif. 

Deux membres du Conseil d’administration de l’Organe, Olivier Paiement et Félix-Antoine Beauchemin, vont partager leur expérience et conseils. La présentation se déroulera en français et sera suivie d’une période de questions en anglais et en français.

Olivier Paiement est co-animateur, producteur et réalisateur du Tailgate Weekend à la radio BPM sports, et Félix-Antoine est l’ex éditeur de la section nouvelles au Concordian.  

📌 Inscriptions : https://forms.gle/1EAwxyb9AEDzNrtp8

📍Où? Sur Zoom (lien envoyé après inscription) ou en personne à CUTV (2110 rue Mackay, 4e étage)

📅 Quand? Jeudi 13 février, 18h-19h30.

Il y aura du popcorn et des boissons pour celles et ceux qui viendront regarder la conférence à CUTV. 

CBC Montreal: Paid Newsroom Researcher- Summer 2025 (deadline: March 1 at noon)

Note that a driver’s license and working knowledge of French are required.

If you are a graduating Concordia journalism student (from the undergraduate program or diploma program), CBC Montreal has an incredible opportunity to offer. You could work for a summer in a dynamic newsroom that covers local news online, on television and on radio. 

CBC Montreal’s 12-week Researcher in the newsroom (summer 2025) is a paid position

You will:

  • Attend production meetings. 
  • Suggest concepts, story ideas/angles.
  • Research information
  • Recommend and select interviewees. Conduct pre-interviews. 
  • Suggest interview questions, approaches and scripts.
  • Record/edit interviews in Dalet

Please submit your application to Nathalie.walther@cbc.ca

 Deadline: March 1, 2025 at NOON

 In your application include:

  • Letter of intent
  • CV
  • Two samples of your written work
  • One audio OR  video sample

Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted by the CBC

JOUR450 & JOUR550 Bursaries: Next Generation Journalists Bursary Program

With support from the New Generation Journalists Bursary Program (an initiative from J-Schools Canada, The Canadian Journalism Foundation, and the Google News Initiative), the Department of Journalism offers two (2) bursaries of $2,312.50. One will be granted to an undergraduate student enrolled in JOUR450-Journalism Practicum during the Winter 2025 and completing an unpaid internship. The other bursary will go to a graduate diploma student enrolled in JOUR550 during the Winter 2025 and completing an unpaid internship. The bursaries are meant to help students offset living expenses incurred during their placement.


– Full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate dipoma students of the Department of Journalism

– Enrollment in JOUR450 or JOUR550 in the Winter 2025

– Unpaid internship placement

– Applicants agree to be acknowledged publicly as participants in the bursary program and be featured on the J-Schools Canada website

– Students agree to participate in one Google News Lab Training session, as per the program rules

To apply, send:

– A one-page letter of intent describing (1) what you hope to achieve during the journalism practicum, and (2) why you would benefit from financial support during your placement

– Current transcript (screenshot, or print to pdf)

– Indicate your current GPA in the email

Applications will be assessed on the quality of their letter of intent, academic results, and financial need, by a committee of two members of the Department of Journalism, who are the Internship Coordinator and the Undergraduate Program Director

Applications should be sent to Dr Lucie Laumonier (lucie.laumonier@concordia.ca) and Dr Elyse Amend (elyse.amend@concordia.ca) by March 1st 2025.